Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crappy Story

Randy Cassingham's This is True: This is True's Current Weekly Issue  
Four years ago, Gary Moody was found wearing waders,
 hip-deep in the waste pit of a ladies outhouse in New Hampshire's White
 Mountain National Forest. Moody said he was searching for his wife's
 lost wedding ring, but investigators didn't buy it and filed charges. A
 federal judge spared him jail, ordering him to get psychiatric
 treatment instead. Recently a camper in Maine, a few miles from the New
 Hampshire border, said that she went into a pit-toilet restroom and "a
 man popped up out of the hole leading to the waste vault," according to
 court papers. "The man [said], 'Sorry about that, I was getting my
 shirt.'" Sure enough, it was Moody, now 47, who faces three new federal
 charges. Moody admits he never got the ordered psychiatric treatment
and has waded in outhouses "on more than the two occasions when he
happened to get caught," an investigator says, but "expressed anger
toward society because of how he was treated after he was found in the
pit of a national forest outhouse in 2005," causing him to suffer
"extreme embarrassment." 
(New Hampshire Union Leader)
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