Randy Cassingham's This is True: This is True's Current Weekly Issue
LIES, FALSEHOODS -- WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? "My campaign is not based on a
foundation of lies," said Antwon Womack, 21, a candidate for the Board
of Education in Birmingham, Ala. "My values are not lies. It's just the
information I provided to the people is false." Many key facts on his
campaign web site were li-- ...uh... false: his age (he said he was
23), his bachelor's degree in education and his title of "Dr." (he
actually dropped out of high school -- as a freshman), even his address
(he didn't actually live in the district where he was running) and
phone number. Womack said he was running for the Board "because I seen
a lack of leadership," but the revelation of his lies -- er, falsehoods
-- "is really going to hurt my political career," he said. Womack
announced he would drop out of the race "because when people read this,
there's no way I can win." But he reneged on that promise, saying that
two local politicians were supportive of him staying in the race. Both
denied supporting him and demanded he stop using their names. Womack
came in third with just 117 votes.
foundation of lies," said Antwon Womack, 21, a candidate for the Board
of Education in Birmingham, Ala. "My values are not lies. It's just the
information I provided to the people is false." Many key facts on his
campaign web site were li-- ...uh... false: his age (he said he was
23), his bachelor's degree in education and his title of "Dr." (he
actually dropped out of high school -- as a freshman), even his address
(he didn't actually live in the district where he was running) and
phone number. Womack said he was running for the Board "because I seen
a lack of leadership," but the revelation of his lies -- er, falsehoods
-- "is really going to hurt my political career," he said. Womack
announced he would drop out of the race "because when people read this,
there's no way I can win." But he reneged on that promise, saying that
two local politicians were supportive of him staying in the race. Both
denied supporting him and demanded he stop using their names. Womack
came in third with just 117 votes.
(Birmingham News)
THIS is TRUE: 20 September 2009 Copyright http://www.thisistrue.com
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